The teachers
The Brighton Lindyhop Festival is now in it's eighth year and we are delighted to be welcoming back Lennart Westerlund & Lizzie Abrahams, Dan & Gemma Guest and James & Bridget Hamilton. All of us are considered 'Mid-timers' which means we were lucky enough to find Swing dancing in the 1980s-90s and were taught by Frankie Manning. Our emphasis is on improving your social dancing rather than performing, so everybody will improve their moves and learn some new ones along the way.

The Bands
Sailing in from Portsmouth are The Dave Baker Project, a superb three piece where the drummer plays the Uke at the same time as drumming!

Our own home grown super talented Brighton all girl Swing band, The Swing Shifters, with Charlotte Glasson, Ela Southgate and Felix Vandersluis.